Constructing your rebuttal comments
/ Alfita Puspa Handayani, Anjar Dimara Sakti, Brian Bramanto [dan sembilan orang lainnya]; editors, Brian Branto, Gabriella Alodia, Dudy D. Wijaya.
Nomor Panggil PUSAT
808 ALF
Anjar Dimara Sakti
Anjar Dimara Sakti ; Brian Bramanto ; Gabriella Alodia ; Dudy D. Wijaya
No | Nomor Induk | Kembali | Koleksi |
No | Nomor Induk | Lokasi | Koleksi |
1 |
202500138 |
PP ITB Lt. 2 (Koleksi Mingguan) |
Koleksi Mingguan |
No Antrian | Tanggal Reservasi | User |
: 978-623-297-554-5 [paperbqack] |
Kolasi |
: xvi, 110 halaman : gambar, tabel ; 25 cm |
Edisi |
: Cetakan pertama |
Materi Koleksi |
: Buku-Bacaan Pengaya Nonfiksi |
Bahasa |
: Inggris |
Subjek |
: Rhetoric and collections of literature |
Kata Kunci |
: Rebuttal comments, attitude development, essays ; Komentar sanggahan, pengembangan sikap, esai |
Keterangan |
: Constructing Your Rebuttal Comments: Book Series on Writing Guidance for Students is a practical resource designed to help students thoughtfully and courteously construct rebuttal comments for scientific publications. This book offers both a philosophical perspective on the publication process and practical tips for developing effective rebuttals. It includes examples of successful rebuttal comments written by lecturers and researchers from the Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering study program at the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, which have been published in reputable international journals. These examples showcase how researchers defend their work and challenge expert reviewers to critically assess and justify their findings. This book provides valuable insights and learning opportunities for students. |