Perpustakaan ITB

Judul Penulis / Pembimbing TA Tahun Penerbit Perpustakaan

PROXIES in late cenozoic paleoceanography

/ edited by C. Hillaire-Marcel and A. De Vernal.

Nomor Panggil PUSAT

551.46 PRO




Elsevier Publishing

Tahun Terbit



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1 202000129 PP ITB Lt. 2 (Koleksi Mingguan) Koleksi Mingguan
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ISBN : 9780444527554
Kolasi : xviii, 843 halaman: gambar, tabel; 25 cm.
Seri : Developments in marine geology, volume 1
Materi Koleksi : Buku-Bacaan Pendukung
Bahasa : Inggris
Subjek : Cenozoic geologic period ; Periode geologi Kenozoikum
Kata Kunci : Paleoceanography, deep-sea sediment, planktonic foraminifera, biological tracers and biomarkers, geochemical tracers ; Paleoceanografi, sedimen laut dalam, foraminifera planktonik, pelacak biologis dan biomarker, pelacak geokimia
Keterangan : The present volume is the first in a series of two books dedicated to the paleoceanography of the Late Cenozoic ocean. The need for an updated synthesis on paleoceanographic science is urgent, owing to the huge and very diversified progress made in this domain during the last decade. In addition, no comprehensive monography still exists in this domain. This is quite incomprehensible in view of the contribution of paleoceanographic research to our present understanding of the dynamics of the climate-ocean system
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