Perpustakaan ITB

Judul Penulis / Pembimbing TA Tahun Penerbit Perpustakaan

Paleoclimates: understanding climate change past and present

/ Thomas M. Cronin.

Nomor Panggil PUSAT

551.60901 CRO


CRONIN, Thomas M.


Columbia University Press

Tahun Terbit



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1 201901071 PP ITB Lt. 2 (Koleksi Mingguan) Koleksi Mingguan
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ISBN : 9780231144940
Kolasi : xviii, 441 halaman: gambar, tabel; 29 cm.
Materi Koleksi : Buku-Bacaan Pendukung
Bahasa : Inggris
Subjek : Paleoclimatology ; Paleoklimatologi
Kata Kunci : Paleoclimatology ; Paleoklimatologi
Keterangan : When combined with computer model simulations, paleoclimatic reconstructions are used to test hypotheses about the causes of climatic change, such as greenhouse gases, solar variability, earth's orbital variations, and hydrological, oceanic, and tectonic processes, This book is a comprehensive, state-of-the art synthesis of paleoclimate research covering all geological timescales, emphasizing topics that shed light
Buku pendukung mata kuliah KUR13P-FITB-S1-GL-GL3001-Geologi Kelautan-GL4062-Mikropaleontologi Terapan-0X