Perpustakaan ITB

Judul Penulis / Pembimbing TA Tahun Penerbit Perpustakaan

FUNDAMENTALS of pharmacognosy and phytotherapy

/ by Michael Henrich, ...[and four others]

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615.321 FUN


HENRICH, Michael



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1 201802112 PP ITB Lt. 2 (Koleksi Mingguan) Koleksi Mingguan
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ISBN : 9780702070082 [paperback]
Kolasi : xvi, 359 halaman: gambar, tabel; 25 cm.
Edisi : Third edition
Materi Koleksi : Buku-Bacaan Pendukung
Bahasa : Inggris
Subjek : Pharmacognosy ; Farmakognosi
Kata Kunci : Phytotherapy, pharmacognosy, plant biology, natural product chemistry, plant extracts, phytomedicines ; Phytotherapy, farmakognosi, biologi tanaman, kimia produk alami, ekstrak tumbuhan, phytomedicines
Keterangan : Pharmacognosy (the science of biogenic or nature-derived pharmaceuticals and poisons) has been an established basic pharmaceutical science taught in institutions of pharmacy education for over two centuries. Over the past 20 years though it has become increasingly important given the explosion of new drugs, phytomedicines (plant medicines), nutraceuticals and dietary supplements – all of which need to be fully understood, tested and regulated.