Perpustakaan ITB

Judul Penulis / Pembimbing TA Tahun Penerbit Perpustakaan

Groover's principles of modern manufacturing : materials, processes, and systems

/ by Mikell P. Groover.

Nomor Panggil PUSAT

670.42 GRO


GROOVER, Mikell P.



Tahun Terbit



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1 201801683 PP ITB Lt. 2 (Koleksi Mingguan) Koleksi Mingguan
2 201900322 PP ITB Lt. 2 (Koleksi Mingguan) Koleksi Mingguan
No AntrianTanggal ReservasiUser


ISBN : ISBN-10: 1119249120 [paperback] ; ISBN-13: 9781119249122 [paperback]
Kolasi : xii, 845 halaman : gambar ; 25 cm.
Edisi : Global edition, SI version
Materi Koleksi : Buku-Bacaan Pendukung
Bahasa : Inggris
Subjek : Manufacturing
Kata Kunci : Nature of materials, properties of materials, metal casting, glass working ; Sifat material, sifat material, pengecoran logam, glass working
Keterangan : This book is designed for a first course or two-course sequence in Manufacturing at the junior level in Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering curricula. The book's modern approach is based on balanced coverage of the basic engineering materials, the inclusion of recently developed manufacturing processes and comprehensive coverage of electronics manufacturing technologies. The quantitative focus of the text is displayed in its emphasis on manufacturing science and its greater use of mathematical models and quantitative end-of-chapter problems